Counselling, Mediation, Information, Advocacy
and Welfare Services
We also have an extensive library of books videos and reasearch materials that are available
for our members
For subscriptions to our newsletters
please contact us on the email on the home page
memberships start from $10 for consessions and $25 for
full membership

We have back issues of all of our newsletters from 1-43 for $2.00 plus postage and handling
We have back issues of newsletters of various support
groups throughout Australia including HAN, ARMS, Jigsaw, Grapevine, plus many more
We also have a lage library of media
articles on the Aboriginal "Stolen Generation" plus the "Bringing Them Home Report"

Among our library videos we have
Sinners a confronting story of an Irish Magdalene Laundry
The Magdalene Sisters
Leaving of Liverpool
White Oleander
Antwon Fisher
Gone to a Good Home
Into the Arms of Strangers
Rabbit Proof Fence
Why Me?
and hundreds more
Members can access our library by sending a prepaid postal
bag for thier loan
Membership starts at $10 for consessions
This includes a quarterly Newsletter

New "Forgotten Australians" Brochure
This 16 page brochure is a valuable resource for
professionals copies can be obtained by contacting
Families Australia on (02) 6273 4885