Who are We?
We are the "Forgotten Australians" People who as children
were bough up in out- of- home -care namely in homes orphanages, missions, industrial schools, also children who were brought
up in foster care.
We have been affected by family separation including the
adoption, separation and removal of our siblings, parents and our extended family and communities.
As Children
We have been abused physically, sexually, and emotionally.We have been used as slave labor for Church and State
We have been forcibly incarcerated and held against our
will in psychiatric institutions and in places that resembled jails and concentration camps
Apart from being removed separated and stolen from our
families We have had our children stolen from us for the adoption industry.
We have had our history, culture and our identity taken
away from us
We have suffered physical, mental health and emotional
problems for our lifetimes
We are still suffering today from the neglect and indifference
of Church and State who have committed these abuses against us.